Posts by Candice

Ertel Construction helps Entergy Arkansas restore power after ice storm

Ertel Construction recently mobilized overhead power line crews to Arkansas in support of the power restoration efforts due to the ice storm that devastated the state on December 25, 2012.  At the peak of the storm, Entergy Arkansas reported close to 300,00 outages.  The Ertel crews were mobilized from North Carolina and South Carolina with minimal notice.  The crews reached the hardest hit area of Pulaski County Arkansas in less than 48 hours from time of mobilization.  The crews worked in cold, wet conditions to restore power in difficult terrain.  Entergy Arkansas reported that 99 percent of the power restoration efforts were completed by the morning of January 1, 2013.


Click here to view Entergy Arkansas Thank You video



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Safety 2013 – Be Safe Throughout the New Year!

Safe Work Habits                                                              

“Habit is the deepest law of human nature” Most of us would probably agree with that. People are quite often influenced by habit. Habit and job safety is also closely related. If you form safe work habits, it’s going to reflect positively in job safety. There are seven (7) common “human factors” related to developing safe work habits. Let’s review them.

Hazard Recognition — Recognition of hazards is an important factor. By constantly being on the lookout for hazards you enhance your own safety. In watching for hazards you must consider not just the obvious ones, but also hazards which might suddenly appear through some action of another person or a chain of unusual circumstances. Whenever a hazard is detected, report it to someone who can make the change.

Avoiding Indifference — Avoiding indifference on the job is important to safety. An individual might know the right way to do his or her particular job, and just ignore it. Sometimes the most experienced person who has had the safety related training might tend to avoid doing the job the right way. Or there may be the employee who does not know the safety procedures and instead of finding them out chooses to also ignore them. These kind of indifferences on the job can and do lead to trouble and accidents.

Eliminating “Daredevil” Behavior — Ok admit it, have you ever done or known anyone who has done a daredevil stunt or taken a quick chance? How about standing on the top rung of a ladder? Everyone knows you should not do that, sometimes the ladder is even posted “do not stand above a certain level” but we do it anyway. Eliminating “daredevil” behavior is another human factor that can prevent injury on the job and at home.

Setting a Good Example — Setting a good example is another factor to consider. We have all heard this statement before. “If you set a good example then others will follow”. Think about how your actions at work and at home may affect the attitudes of others. The actions of all of us have an influence on the safety-mindedness of others. Think of it this way, when you are in your car traveling to one place or another do you leave room between cars or do you have a tendency to tailgate? Think how the other person may feel, stressed, I bet. If a veteran employee follows the safety rules then the newer employee may follow their lead but on the other hand if we condone the unsafe acts of others then that behavior may be what we now call the culture of the company.

Avoiding Impulsiveness — Another link in the chain of job safety is avoiding impulsiveness or being in a hurry. Haste is a trait that often leads to accidents. We are using our time foolishly if we don’t take the time to be safe. Many valuable time-saving suggestions are contributed by employees each year, but, these time-saving suggestions should be reviewed and approved before they are used. Haste can result in injury!

Controlling Impatience — Controlling impatience and temper is equally important to job safety. If we let emotions get out of control, an accident can easily occur. Statistics prove that on the job violence is on the increase in our country. Do you have programs in place that identifies potential problems before tempers get out of control? And, what kind of programs do you have established to get help for your employees.

Proper work habits can assure job safety. Overall, the responsibilities for developing safe work habits really belong to each of us. By being aware of the “human factors” we’ve just reviewed, safe work habits can be formed and job safety assured. This can and does affect your bottom line.


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Low Country Utilities Coordinating Committee(LUCC) Minutes – November 7, 2012

The LCUU meeting was held on November 7, 2012 in North Charleston. Josh Black, with Ertel Construction, will serve as the Secretary of LUCC in the coming year and will communicate with other public utilities regarding damage prevention.

Ertel Construction, Inc was also the recipient of the 2012 Contractor of the Year for damage prevention in South Carolina.  Congratulations ERTEL!


Click here to view LUCC Meeting Notes

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OHSA Fact: Working Safely Around Downed Electrical Wires Electrical

Electrical hazards exist in some form in nearly all occupations. However, those hazards multiply for workers involved in cleanup and recovery efforts following
major disasters and weather emergencies. One particular life-threatening danger exists around downed and low-hanging electrical wires.

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Ertel Construction, Inc. provides power restoration to NJ

Ertel Construction, Inc. provides power restoration to NJ

Ertel Construction continues to provide power restoration in New Jersey after the Nor’easter storm hit the area on Wednesday, November 7, 2012.  At least 658,000 utility customers remained without electricity across the region, most of them in New York and New Jersey.  The New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie,  told reporters Thursday morning that the nor’easter was responsible for 167,000 new outages, but praised utility workers who were trying to get the lights and heat back on.  Christie said “These men and women on the utility companies are working 16-hour days.”


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